3 Mistakes That Contribute to Your Tax Problems
1) ProcrastinationPutting off addressing your tax issues head on, whether that is just this year's tax filing or confronting...
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Owing back taxes to the IRS is something millions of Americans have dealt with at one time or another. Unfortunately dealing with Tax Debt Issues and the IRS can be exhausting and intimidating for a lot of families and businesses, but with Millennia Tax Relief you’re in safe hands.
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Working with a competent and efficient tax relief team can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. Here are some things to think about so you don’t make a simple mistake early on.
Ignoring the IRS is the worst possible thing you can do. Your tax issue will not “just” go away. While you should write back as soon as possible, you or your representative can ask for more time to gather the paperwork and forms. A two-week extension is not an unreasonable request of your IRS agent.
Tax issues are serious concerns that can affect your assets e.g. property, retirement or investment accounts, savings, and earnings. If you have tax debt in excess of $10,000 you should seriously consider aligning yourself with a competent tax resolution team.
When dealing with a pending IRS tax issue get competent representation by tax professionals. The IRS talks “tax” language and they “know” tax law. The good news is..so do we! We work with both personal and business tax clients. We would love to work with you for quick tax debt resolution.
With most tax debt issues, the IRS has very specific questions it wants to be answered and will request information e.g. forms and receipts accordingly. Give them what they are asking for with clear answers to resolve the issue but do not volunteer additional info if they don’t ask for it.
Once the IRS receives updated information, they will assess any taxes and penalties you owe. We educate you on the best options to resolve your tax debt liability and then negotiate the best tax resolution possible for your situation. IRS assessments can always be appealed.
Tax audit representation, also called audit defense, is a service in which a tax or legal professional stand-in on behalf of a taxpayer (an individual or legal entity) during an IRS or state income tax audit. The IRS and all states allow a taxpayer to have professional representation.
If you do not feel competent to present your case in front of the IRS, get representation. The IRS will want information about your tax filings. You may be asked to mail back information and in other cases, you will be required you to meet with an agent to discuss your tax filings to further assess your liability.
You have made the right choice in selecting a Tax Resolution Professional to work with. The first step is finding out exactly where you stand in the eyes of the IRS or State Tax Agency. With your authorization, we gather all the pertinent information to then analyze your specific scenario.
Once we have obtained all of your transcripts from Federal and State Tax Agencies we determine where we stand & begin to formulate a tactical strategy to resolve your tax-debt issues.
There are a number of tax resolution options available to taxpayers. We consider all of the variables involved to decide which is the best action to take to reduce your tax liability.
We get you up to date with your IRS and State tax filings, to ensure we are now in a position to negotiate the best tax-debt resolution for you. We can then work to repay your debts.
Tax Resolution is important to people for different reasons. To some, it means less stress, fewer letters, and demands. To others it means your business can get back on track.
We offer personalized comprehensive tax services for all of your tax related needs and issues.
The Initial Consultation is the fact finding phase. We want your viewpoint on where you are, what you have done and what the main issues to your tax issues are.
During this phase we find out the IRS or State Agency side of the story. What are they looking at? What they think you owe and how they got their numbers?
The Offer in Compromise is generally approved by the IRS when the amount offered is more than likely the most they can expect to receive within a justifiable period of time.
Our goal is to help you set up a plan that not only is compliant with the IRS but is an option that works for your specific needs and budget.
In order to obtain a CNC status you will have to prove to the IRS that paying your tax liabilities would create an economic hardship for you.
If interest and penalties continue to accumulate increasing your tax debt it is time to get some professional help from Millennia.
BBB Review
Millennia called me about a IRS Fresh Start program. That was music to my ears because I had just gotten a letter for the IRS. Refund? Not!! They had sent my account to a collection agency. First the IRS tries to collect from you....then they send your case so a collection agency to collect your back taxes. It just never stops. Millennia Tax put a halt to the IRS collections so there has been a lot less IRS mail in my mailbox. Cannot say enough about the work they did for me.
Google Review
I think I received about 16 IRS letters before I decided to get some outside help. I turned to Millennia becuase some friends said they got help there. I was already over $20K in the hole with the IRS and had some years to file. It only took 60 days for Millennia to get the back taxes filed and get me into a program that satisfied the IRS but also fit into my budget. I have already prepaid tax prep with Millennia for this next year because I never want to get behind on taxes again.
Best Company Review
Wow! I called Millennia at the end of August because I had received a letter from the IRS saying I owed $3500. Figured I could use some help with this. They talked with the IRS and amended some info the IRS had. Today I got a letter stating my balance with the IRS is zero. Could not be happier. It does pay off to let professionals deal with the IRS.
BBB Review
When you are behind on taxes it becomes harder and harder to file them becuase of the time passed. The IRS kept wanting me to file taxes from years ago and since I did not do a good job of record keeping I was at a loss on how to do that. I called Millennia and they said no problem, theycould retrieve records from which to prepare my back taxes. That is exactly what they did. It took a bit of time but they got them, prepared my taxes, submitted my taxes and got me out of hot water. They did a great job to get me out of hot water!!
Google Review
Cannot say enough about the service we received from Millennia. Not only were they friendly and professional...they got the job done. Helped us out of serious IRS and State tax problems we had dealt with for years. We really thought that after so many years nothing could be done. We were wrong! Sometimes it really does pay to have professional help. Thanks so much Millennia Tax!
Best Company Review
1) ProcrastinationPutting off addressing your tax issues head on, whether that is just this year's tax filing or confronting...
2022 is going to be a better year than the last. Millennia just finished working on my case that started in June. Millennia Rep Karen was great to work with. She helped me understand clearly where I stood with the IRS and what we needed to do. Heading into the New Year the IRS is no longer pressuring me and have stopped asking for money. What a blessing!